
Items sold by La boutique du Ciné are exclusively originals and genuine !
None of them
pretends to be NEW, but some have been never used.

Movie Poster

A: Excellent condition. NOT RESTORED. Pins holes tolerated.
A-: Small alterations like :fold, small rip, fold on marge (only for rolled movie poster). No lack.
B: Average alterations : fold and fold mark, rips, damp patches, small lacks. Fading.
B-: More important alterations.
C : Bad condition. To be Restored.

Movie Pictures

A: Excellent condition. NOT RESTORED. No Pins holes.
A-: Small alterations like :fold, small rip. No lack.
B: Average alterations : fold and fold mark, rips, damp patches, small lacks. Fading.
B-: More important alterations.
C : Bad condition. To be Restored.

Cardboard advertisement/ Press Files / 35 mm Films

A: Excellent condition. NOT RESTORED.
A-: Small alterations.
B: Average alterations.